
2025/ 03Lecture, Autopoietic Circle University Zürich, Room KO2-F-155 
Introduction in Unified Physics 12.03.2025 Start 07:15 pm
2025/ 01Lecture, Autopoietic Circle University Zürich, Room KO2-F-155 
Introduction in Holistic Physics 15.01.2025 Start 07:15 pm 
2024/ 06New publication "absolute imaginary"  (So far only as e-book.)
In order to be able to offer translations in the future, more distributors are currently being sought.
2022/ 12Advance notice: New publication "Introduction to Unified / Holism Physics"
In order to be able to offer translations in the future, more distributors are currently being sought.
2022/ 12Advance notice: New publication "absolut imaginär" as book 2nd edition (completely revised/ reviewed).
In order to be able to offer translations in the future, more distributors are currently being sought.
2021/ 12       New publication "absolut imaginär" as book 2nd edition (completely revised/ reviewed  -ebook).
2021/ 01New edition "absolutely imaginary" (probably not available until autumn 2021)
2020/ 11Finalisation Legal clarifications
2019/ 06Lecture at the congress "Technologies of the new time"
2018/ 09Publication TOE-Modell
2018/ 04    Lecture at the SVR Association (Inge and Adolf Schneider)
Origin of forms, unification of mathematics and physics.
Length: 90 minutes
2017/ 11Lecture at the SAFE Association
The TOE model, the emergence of forms. A union of mathematics and physics.
 - Basics Mathematics
 - Structures of Information-Energetics
 - Peter Plichta and the numbers
 - String theories and dimensions
Length: 4 hours
02/2017Trademark registration "TOE-Model"
2016/ 05First lecture at the FdIE Association
on the subject of "Information-Energetics and mathematics".
-> Assignment of the mathematical laws to the dimensions.
2015/ 01Foundation of the Association for Promoting Information-Energetics (FdIE).
(10th meeting)
2013/ 07Design of first classification structures
- imaginary, complex, real -
2010/ 01Introduction to Information-Energetics.
The beginning of a long voyage with first visualisations.
2009/ 05First face-to-face meeting in Schönebeck, Germany.
Reinhard R. Köcher, Gerhard Klemm, Sven Kuch


The Author ...

Sven Kuch, Dipl.-Ing. Process Engineering

born at 1963 in Berlin
resident in Bern, CH